One of the most critical steps. We spend time with you to avoid miscommunication and waste of time.
The goal is to fully understand the specific needs and character of your company in order to establish the best criteria for the perfect fit.
Using the combination of our vast network of contacts and database for a direct approach and up-to-date communication tools, we select a “long list” of candidates to interview. We will of course look at the right experience and expertise, but we will also screen candidates through behavior, personality, motivation, leadership style, and general fit with your organization.

We understand it is important for you to quickly find the perfect fit, without wasting time with candidates about whom you might think after 5 minutes of interview: why am I interviewing this person?
The goal is not to overwhelm you with dozens of resumes to justify our work. We want to present to you a shortlist of maximum 3 to 4 top candidates, within a 4 to 5 weeks deadline at the most. And, when needed, we will « co-interview » the candidates (Cross-view of 2 partners)
We help you coordinate the interview process.
We make sure the right feedback is given to both parties.

Once you have selected the perfect fit, we remain involved in the negotiation process. We provide you with guidance upon request and we make sure you and the candidate have the right information to reach an agreement satisfying to both parties.
- We regularly contact you to evaluate your level of satisfaction and measure the level of integration
- We set up an evaluation meeting after 3 months with you and with the hired executive. Read more…